Thursday, October 1, 2009

Nickel in the Loo?

Question: Is it weird to pick up a nickel from a bathroom floor?
It's not that it is the nickel's fault, but to be seen lying on the bathroom floor of a "sick room" among the mire of germs and viruses found in a junior high school is a skosh gross. It sort of makes the thought of picking up that poor little "Tommy," a bit disconcerting.
But I did it anyway....and I'm five cents richer today than I was yesterday.
And I am glad that the one staff restroom was occupied and I had to tinkle so bad that I earned a little jingle in my pocket!

Enjoy the photos from our recent summer trip to Colonial Williamsburg and Washington D.C. If history is your thing, this is the place to be...Incredible! Photos include bronze statue of Thomas Jefferson in Williamsburg, VA and the Thomas Jefferson Memorial. That's Claire in the picture with the Jefferson Memorial in the background.

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