Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Quick lunchtime hunt.

I only had about 45 minutes to get out with the metal detector today and came up with $.81 (3 quarters and 6 pennies), with 4 pennies and 1 nickel above ground. One of the below ground finds was a wheat penny-which is difficult to recognize-no date, etc.

Another quick post to add to the totals.

Total finds for the day: $.90
Above ground finds: $.09
Below ground finds: $.81
Total finds to date: $25.04 (33 days of hunting averages out to $.76 per day)

The Lincoln Penny Project grand total: $64.65
Above ground finds: $39.37
Below ground finds: $25.28

1 comment:

  1. Cool you can get out mid day! I might have to retire before I can do that....
